My Top 5 Favorite Vanessa Redgrave Costume Drama Roles

For today’s post I would like to do a count down of my favorite roles played by Vanessa Redgrave in costume dramas.    All five of these films are worth watching, and some are even masterpieces in my opinion.   Without further ado here are the top five costume drama roles portrayed by the great Vanessa Redgrave!

Number 5: Young Catherine (1991) as Empress Elizabeth

 ~This film was the story of Catherine the Great when she first arrived to Russia.   The role played by Redgrave in this film is Empress Elizabeth, mother-in-law of Catherine.

Number 4: Mary, Queen of Scots (1971) as Mary Stuart

 ~This film takes on the story of Mary Stuart as she leaves France to return to Scotland.   It is famous for having Glenda Jackson portraying Elizabeth I, after her iconic turn in the BBC miniseries Elizabeth R!    It lacks much accuracy, especially in having the iconic monarchs meet, but it is fun to watch.

Number 3: A Man for All Seasons (1966) as Anne Boleyn

 ~Some readers may consider this entry a cheat, as Vanessa Redgrave does not have a speaking role.   She portrayed Anne in one scene, in what is essentially a cameo.   However, the film is incredible, and I adore Anne Boleyn, hence its inclusion on this list!

Number 2: Anonymous (2011) as Elizabeth I

 ~This 2011 film tells the tale of Edward de Vere, and focuses on the theory that he was the true author of the Shakespeare plays.   The film has Vanessa Redgrave portraying and aging Elizabeth I, and interestingly her daughter Joely Richardson portrayed Elizabeth I as a young queen in this film!

Number 1: Camelot (1967) as Guinevere

 ~My favorite costume drama featuring Vanessa Redgrave is the musical Camelot from 1967!   This film had Redgrave portraying Guinevere, and her real life lover, Franco Nero, portrayed Lancelot.    It is a truly fun film to watch, and I adore this Arthurian musical!

~I hope you have enjoyed this countdown of my favorite Vanessa Redgrave costume drama roles.   Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Note on Image: The image at the top of the post is from Camelot.   I found the image on